by Rajiv Joseph
Azeotrope, Seattle, WA

Scenic: Deanna Zibello | Costumes: Christine Tschirgi | Lighting: Jessica Trundy | Sound: Evan Mosher


“In fact, every aspect of this production is just exceptional. Ms Chiang’s direction is so grounded and real and visceral…there is such a terrific depth of intimacy in this production, something you seldom see in the theater but all three productions by Azeotrope have managed to portray intimate moments in a way that is realistic yet natural and believable… Obviously, I have great love and respect for this exceptional production. I don’t think “Gruesome Playground Injuries” is necessarily the best play ever written; the material in lesser hands could be quite dreadful if the comedic or dramatic aspects are overly exaggerated, but Azeotrope has done a brilliant job of correctly interpreting the material and creating a complete and fully engaging theatrical experience.”
Michael Strangeways, Seattle Gay Scene

“…under the nimble direction of Azeotrope founder and co-artistic director Desdemona Chiang, Gruesome Playground Injuries packs an emotional sucker punch. And I mean that in the best possible way.”
Gemma Wilson, City Arts

“Chiang has a knack for creating stupendous dramatic tension, and the 80-minute play keeps you firmly focused on stage the entire time.”
Miyram Gordon, Seattle Gay News

“…the direction from Desdemona Chiang only serves to intensify that richness as her in your face staging and scene and costume changes amp up the tension and morbid desire to see what these two do next to themselves and each other… prep your iodine and bandages for another solid hit from Azeotrope.”
Jay Irwin, Broadway World

“With only two actors (Richard Nguyen Sloniker and Amanda Zarr) and a phenomenal script by Rajiv Joseph, director Desdemona Chiang creates a truly compelling night of theatre, ending with the desire to see more of the story… Gruesome Playground Injuries is another strong piece of theatre from Azeotrope… The talent of Chiang, Sloniker, and Zarr should not be wasted on small houses.”
Courtney Meaker, The Sunbreak